Windows are an integral part of the design and function of a home. Keeping them of free of dust, debris, and grime helps preserve the integrity of these structures. Cleaning a window involves more than just making the glass pane sparkle. It involves cleaning all parts of the window including the sill, rail, stile, header, sash, and jamb. These parts may require a different cleaning method since they are usually made from wood, fiberglass, PVC, or aluminum. Use the following guidelines to perform Window Cleaning in Long Island.
Start your Window Cleaning in Long Island By cleaning the window frame and other non-glass parts. Do these first so additional chemicals or dust particulates won’t get on the glass. Use a vacuum to suck up all the dust you can. Connect a brush attachment to your vacuum for this task. Place the brush attachment on one side of the window frame. Move it along the non-glass parts slowly to catch as much dust as possible. Next, spray an appropriate cleaning solution on a towel. Don’t spray directly on the non-glass parts. For fiberglass, aluminum, or PVC, you can use a glass cleaner. Use a wood cleaner for wood. Carefully wipe the non-glass parts of the window. If you come across grime or build-up, lightly spray more cleaner on it. Let it stand for about ten seconds before you wipe it up. You may have to scrub grime with your towel.
When you finish cleaning the non-glass areas of the window, use a cleaning mixture of one part water and one part distilled vinegar. After pouring these substances into a squirt bottle, shake the bottle it’s in to ensure that it mixes properly. Spray a mist of cleaner on the window pane. Let the cleaner sit for about ten seconds. With a lint-free towel, work the cleaner into the glass. You may have to rub grime hard to get it up. After you get all the particles off the window, spray a second mist of cleaner. This time immediately wipe it off. Use the other side of the lint-free towel. If you see a streak, wipe over it until it’s gone.
Cleaning windows makes a home more sanitary and appealing. For more information on window cleaning services, please visit the website of Ace Home Cleaning. This company can handle residential cleaning and commercial cleaning.