When designing a new home and choosing materials for everything from the roof to the flooring, we understand you have a lot of choices and a lot of options. This extends to decisions for the all-important outdoor living spaces, which are now an essential part of any new home design.
If you are going to design and add a pool you really should consider a marble deck over any other options. We offer a top selection of specially selected marble deck pavers and coping, allowing you to create just the look you want.
However, before you just take our word for it, we think there are several important factors you should consider when it comes to selecting marble over the other materials you may be thinking of using. By just thinking for a moment on the benefits of marble, we know your final decision won’t be difficult to make.
Amazing Color
If you have ever had the chance to take a close look at the pavers used in creating a beautiful marble deck you know just what we mean when we talk about the colors. The marble itself has a depth you won’t find in any man-made product, with the colors going right through the natural stone and adding an element of elegance not found in any other material.
The colors are that of the world around you. You will see grays that look like the shades of a mountain range or natural tones of the beach in the summer sun. With a tumbled and not polished surface these colors are matte and timeless, and will look the same today as they will 100 years from now, even with exposure to all the elements.
For all its natural beauty and its range of uses, marble is a very durable and incredibly strong natural stone. It can stand up to freezing weather, extreme heat, rain, hail, and snow and still keep its natural beauty.
In addition, marble is not easy to crack or chip, which is an important consideration for outdoor use. Your marble deck will also be naturally resistant to mold growth, and it is impermeable to any type of bug or insect that can destroy other materials.
Even if you never plan on selling your home, adding a marble deck adds value to your property. This includes the value you will receive with years of enjoyment, as well as the understanding you will never have to replace your deck in your lifetime, or for that of your heirs.