Discovering you have bed bugs can make any homeowner feel a little uncomfortable and suddenly willing to do anything to get the nasty parasites out of their home. Many will try to eliminate the problem by themselves, but a more effective solution is to call one of the Bed Bug Removal Services to do the work for them. It is important to call for professional assistance because people often misunderstand how difficult these creatures can be to destroy.
Getting rid of bed bugs is not as simple as just throwing out the mattress and box spring. That method is often a waste of money as well as completely ineffective. Bed bugs, despite their name, can live anywhere, not just in beds. In fact, they can inhabit carpeting and clothing and cracks in furniture, flooring and walls.
Leaving infested furniture in the cold has also often been used as a technique to kill bed bugs. However, recent studies have shown that it cannot be just cold, but must be at least below freezing and it still may take as long as 30 days of consistent cold to finally kill all of the bugs and their eggs as well. Of course, this will still not solve the issue of any bed bugs still inside the home.
Instead of trying a variety of time consuming tactics and hoping it does what it takes to solve the problem, spend your time and money more efficiently. Many Bed Bug Removal Services provide FREE On-site Estimates With No Obligation. They will make it easier for you to know what the total removal will cost, how quickly it can be accomplished and what you can do to prevent the problem from happening again.
There is no reason to be embarrassed about a bed bug infestation. These annoying pests have been found in high-end department stores and five star hotel rooms. It is very easy for these bugs to latch onto anything and set up residence in a new location. Rather than suffering with itchy bites and worrying about how much worse they may become, contact a company that can eliminate immediately and give you back your clean, comfortable home (and bed) once again.