How to Choose Orange County Locksmiths

by | Jun 16, 2020 | Locksmith

Whether you’ve been locked out of your home or need installation of security locks for your business, finding good Orange County Locksmiths can seem difficult. There are so many to choose from. Here are some tips from the Federal Trade Commission for how to pick a good locksmith.

How Local is “Local”?

A website or phone book listing may claim that a locksmith company works in your local area when in fact they work much further away. Although they will come to help you, you will be charged additional fees for having them work so far from their office. It’s best to choose a locksmith that has a bricks and mortar office in your home town or county.They are open and available for your key replacement and Locksmith in Dallas. Locksmith services even during the COVID -19 pandemic.

Uses Easily Identifiable Vehicles

Although a locksmith company is not required to use vehicles marked with their business logo, those that do show a deeper level of commitment to their profession. The Federal Trade Commission notes that locksmith companies that claim to work in your area but need to travel long distances to reach you tend to work in unmarked vehicles. If you have worked with the locksmith before and can recognize his or her face, then what they drive does not matter.

Ask for Recommendations

Ask trusted friends, neighbors, family members, doctor office staff or co-workers for the name of a good local locksmith. You could also ask local businesses what locksmith they use. In case of an emergency like a home lock-out, your friends may have the locksmith’s contact information with them, saving you time.

Has Insurance

If it’s an emergency, you may not have time to ask the company if it is insured. Good locksmith companies will mention that they are insured on their website or on business cards. If you need locks installed, it’s best to work with an insured company in case anything bad happens.

Preventing Further Problems

Now that you’ve found a good locksmith, keep the name and phone number wherever you keep emergency contact information. Keep it in your purse, wallet, glove compartment, office desk or briefcase. Add the company to your list of contacts to your smartphone.

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